Our Services

“I’m trusting in the Lord and a good lawyer.” -Oliver North

Our services can be qualified under one of our five divisions:

Legal Services

Financial Services

Compliance and Risk Management

Fund Administration

Back Office Administration

AG Edwards calls on not only the wealth of experience already existing with the group but has engaged in a combination of strategic alliances with entities and experienced people from both within the industry and various parties who services compliment the industry and our clients. As we aim to provide a turn key solution we ensure that we can offer innovative and professional advice in all areas both directly and indirectly related to the Financial Services Industry.

Some of these issues include; legal and taxation structuring, business modelling and monitoring, succession planning, product development, compliance services, insurance and underwriting, administration, IT solutions, corporate branding, graphic design and so on. If a client has legal or financial services related issues, AG Edwards has the solution and the recourses to implement the strategy behind that solution.

Contact us for any further information.
